The Asean Movement of Natural Persons Agreement Was Signed on

The ASEAN Movement of Natural Persons Agreement (MNP) is a regional agreement that was signed by the member nations of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on 14 December 1995 in Jakarta, Indonesia. The purpose of the agreement is to promote the free movement of skilled workers across the ASEAN region in order to support economic integration and regional development.

Under this agreement, individuals who are citizens of one ASEAN member state are allowed to work in another member state without the need for a work permit or visa. This includes professionals, entrepreneurs, and skilled workers in a variety of fields such as engineering, finance, and IT.

The MNP Agreement has proven to be a significant milestone in the integration of ASEAN’s economies. It has empowered ASEAN’s labor force and allowed professionals to take advantage of employment opportunities within the region. The free movement of natural persons has also facilitated the transfer of knowledge and skills, as well as enhanced capacity building across member states.

The agreement has brought several benefits to the ASEAN region, such as the reduction of labor costs through the import of skilled labor. The MNP Agreement also stimulates foreign direct investment (FDI) in the region because it allows companies to hire skilled labor from other member states without the need for additional work permits. This contributes to the establishment of multinational companies in the region, resulting in the growth of multiple sectors of the economy.

However, the MNP Agreement has faced some criticisms, such as job displacement for lower-skilled workers. The free movement of natural persons can sometimes lead to the exploitation of migrant workers by employers. While ASEAN has established the ASEAN Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers to protect the rights of migrant workers, more needs to be done to ensure their safety and welfare.

In conclusion, the ASEAN Movement of Natural Persons Agreement has been an essential agreement in the promotion of economic integration and development in the ASEAN region. As ASEAN continues to deepen its regional integration efforts, the MNP Agreement remains a critical component in supporting the free flow of skilled labor across member states.